Poster inspired by 60's and 70's space age artwork.
Basics drawn in adobe illustrator, textures and after-effects added in adobe photoshop.
Basics drawn in adobe illustrator, textures and after-effects added in adobe photoshop.
Le Freak Chic
Poster made for a psychedelic music club in stockholm.
Inspired by old french freak beat/psychedelic artwork and 13th floor elevators-record covers.
Made with adobe photoshop & adobe illustrator.
This is uppsala... fuck stockholm!
...And you will live in terror!
Poster made for Undergång's releaseparty in january 2010.
Inspired by old horror/exploitation-movie posters.
The base I used for this one is a photo of an old lady. Distortion, logos, texts, foldmarks and scratches was applied with adobe photoshop.
Buried Alive
Poster made for the rock club "Flykten".
Inspired by vintage fillmore east-posters.
This one is made with adobe illustrator, The two horror-photos was first edited in adobe photoshop before applied to the project.
Sanctuary from the law
Logo for the band Sanctuary in Blasphemy.
Inspired by 70's artwork and satan himself.
Made by hand, scanned in to the computer and then sharpened contrasts in adobe photoshop.
More stuff to come!
I haven't been uploading much of record covers I've made, neither the t-shirt prints I've made. The reason for this is that I want to take pictures of the finished products and put here and I haven't had time for that yet. But stay tuned and I will start uploading that stuff soon!
Please let me die in solitude
Logo for the band In Solitude, made when they stopped playing technical progressive metal and started playing more traditional heavy metal. Inspired by judas priest and metallica.
Made with adobe illustrator.
Sunn O))
Logo for the band Alonzo, originally made for a poster, later on used by the band as primary logo.
The amplifier brand SUNN's logo figures in the center. Influenced by 70's psych artwork.
Made in adobe illustrator.
Positive Mental Agent Attitude
Logo for the band Agent Attitude.
Made in 5 minutes at work. Inspired by Dogtown tag writing.
Made in 5 minutes at work. Inspired by Dogtown tag writing.
Done by hand with a black marker pen and then scanned into the computer.
UPPSALA HARDCORE - pride, dedication, commitment. EST. 2001
Lords of u-town
This was inspired by the dogtown skateboard brand's artwork and a classic Tony Alva-picture redrawn more zombie-ish. This one was drawn by hand and then put together in adobe illustrator.
Reagan youth of the black flag

Poster made for a gig arranged by Markus Larsson of Novelties/Unabombers/Harelip.
Based on an idea from Markus and the albums "My War" by Black Flag and "Volume one" by Reagan Youth.
This is a photo montage made in adobe photoshop
Lo-ri-der, it's a lowrider.
Illustration made for a Widespread Bloodshed-shirt.
Done after a description from Esse.
A graphite pen and a black marker pen was used to make this one.
Logo for the paintball team Hypnotize.
I don't believe this logo was ever used, I don't mind, it was great fun doing it because it was the first graffiti-inspired logo I've ever done.
Drawn by hand and then vectorised in adobe streamline and after edited in adobe illustrator.
Into the void
LP cover for my own band Obnoxious Youth's debut record "The Eternal Void".
Inspired by Satan, Venom, Mercyful Fate, 60's/70's psych patterns and old doom metal artwork but still with a slight touch of oldschool hardcore.
This was drawn by hand and then edited in adobe photoshop.
The angry, sjukt jävla sura!!!!1!!
Record release cover for the Angers Curse debut 7" EP
Inspired by horror movies and cro-mags age of quarrel, but with the västerås city in front of the mushroom cloud.
Inspired by horror movies and cro-mags age of quarrel, but with the västerås city in front of the mushroom cloud.
The logo was made in adobe illustrator, the rest was put together in adobe photoshop.
War all the time
Cover for metal/hardcore act Always War's first EP "Vengeance Prevail".
Did this from a idea Ronnie gave me.
The logo was made in adobe illustrator and the background is a duplex photo montage made out of blood, skull and war pictures done in adobe photoshop.
The logo was made in adobe illustrator and the background is a duplex photo montage made out of blood, skull and war pictures done in adobe photoshop.
Guilty as charged!
Record cover/sleeve for hardcore band Guilty's demo 7" EP.
I did another design at first, but I had a lack of inspiration so it turned out really bad...
I got stressed out and redit it in just some hours.
I got stressed out and redit it in just some hours.
It's a picture of the linköping city hall and the sofia church of jönköping.
I drew this one on paper, scanned it in and added some dot patterns in adobe photoshop.
Knullar din mamma
Poster made for the rock club "Digger" nowdays known as "Flykten".
I took the original standard poster of digger and spiced it up a bit with some poo, gore, blood and I also broke the guitar and added the text "knullar din mamma" translates into "fucks your mom" instead of the original "performs live at".
Made with adobe illustrator and adobe photoshop.
Hisingen Blues
Cover artwork for Commitment Crew - Hisingen 7" EP. Once great swedish hardcore band, now put to rest early 2011. R.I.P.
Inspired by ... yeah... you figure it out. Haha...
Inspired by ... yeah... you figure it out. Haha...
Drawn by hand and in adobe illustrator. Put together in adobe photoshop.
Journalist Metal
Music cassette demo-sleeve for the band Sonic Ritual.
Done after their own requests mixed with some ideas of my own.
Done after their own requests mixed with some ideas of my own.
Drawn by hand, then put into adobe illustrator where the rest were made.
I have many leather bound books...
Poster made for the rock club "Flykten".
Inspired by the anchor man-pickup attempt "I have many leather bound books" and the venom-album "at war with satan".
Done with adobe photoshop.
I'll tell you stage dives make me feel more alive than coded messages in slowed down songs.
Poster made for Luger Booking Agency. Inspired by everything youth-crew.
Probably the poster I feel most honored to have done by far.
I love the gorilla biscuits, and the show was mighty great!
I used their classic gorilla from the first 7" but I did my own version of it.
Made with a pen, then scanned in to the computer and put together in adobe illustrator.
Coming from out of space - Find another race
Poster inspired by plan 9 from outer space.
Made with adobe photoshop using various photos and original drawings.
Welcome to my portfolio on the web. I chose the blog-format just because it's easy to update and you can upload stuff via your mobile phone or anything you can get a hold of. Stay tuned for images and descriptions on which programs and techniques I've used in the process of making my artwork, design and layout. I'm not much of sharing the stuff I do with other people, but due to several demands and requests I decided to put my stuff on the internetz for your viewing pleasure. Why I chose the name STEAKS & STRIKES? It's because that pretty much sums up what I like in just one sentence.
The posts I make can be updated and refined an infinite number of times with better pictures and more deep going-info. So if you're interested, look back once in a while...
The posts I make can be updated and refined an infinite number of times with better pictures and more deep going-info. So if you're interested, look back once in a while...
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