
Gratiae, Veritas, Naturae

Logo for ungdomens hus 25 year jubilee.
Inspired by old university logos.

Made by hand and with the help of adobe photshop.

The End Times

Poster/ad made for my own band Undergång upcoming release "The Mother of Armageddon".
Inspired by old news spreads and cathastrophy movies.

Made with adobe illustrator primarily and then distressed in adobe photoshop.

Le Freak Chic

Poster made for a psychedelic music club in stockholm.
Inspired by old french freak beat/psychedelic artwork and 13th floor elevators-record covers.

Made with adobe photoshop & adobe illustrator.


This is uppsala... fuck stockholm!

Poster inspired by godzilla movies.
Drawn by hand then processed and fixed in adobe photoshop.

...And you will live in terror!

Poster made for Undergång's releaseparty in january 2010.
Inspired by old horror/exploitation-movie posters.
The base I used for this one is a photo of an old lady. Distortion, logos, texts, foldmarks and scratches was applied with 
adobe photoshop.


Buried Alive

Poster made for the rock club "Flykten".
Inspired by vintage fillmore east-posters.
This one is made with adobe illustrator, The two horror-photos was first edited in adobe photoshop before applied to the project.